VOLTI D’ACQUA (Faces of water)


3-6 Years Old
Theatral Group
Teatro al Quadrato (UD) / Zavod Kuskus (SLO)
Maria Giulia Campioli, Claudio Mariotti e Peter Kus
Maria Giulia Campioli e Silvia Viviani
Other Informations
Liberamente ispirato a L'uomo d'acqua e la sua fontana
Dates Shows

Artistic notes

The title references the verses of the poem “The rivers” by Giuseppe Ungaretti.
Words, chants, movements, and live music blend in a show with an essential narrative and a set design that will become an evocative and imaginary installation, made up of few symbolic objects, which will in turn be transformed in narrative and sound-making tools.
And then, there’s water with its journey, which might mean separation or reunion, discovery of ourselves and the world, or a way to escape.

Duration: 30’

Next events

    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2024)