
4-10 Years Old
Theatral Group
La Baracca - Testoni Ragazzi
Andrea Buzzetti, Luciano Cendou e Giada Ciccolini
Valeria Frabetti
Andrea Buzzetti, Luciano Cendou e Giada Ciccolini
Dates Shows

Artistic notes

Three characters on two wheels set off on a surreal journey to light the world in a new way: riding a bike and pedal to turn on a bedside lamp, a railway station, streetlights.

Wearing a dress that changes colour, walking through the wind and under the rain.

A show in which the protagonists are the lighting fixtures, and where, in order to turn on the lights, we need to transform the energy by pedalling on bikesgenerators. After telling stories with lights, spotlights and switches, the research on “Lights and Theatre” carried out by the company explores the theme of sustainable energy, as an occasion to make children approach this issue, continuing to amaze them and convey the joy of playing with the light.

Duratio: 45′


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    Past events

    • Sala Centofiori, via Gorki 16, Bologna (2024)
    • Sala Centofiori, via Gorki 16, Bologna (2023)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2021)
    • Piazza Italia, Olgiate Comasco (Co) - Italia (2021)
    • Auditorium Volmer Fregni, San Prospero (MO) - Italia (2021)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2020)
    • Auditorium Enzo Ferrari, Maranello (MO) - Italia (2020)
    • Festival Il Canto delle Cicale, Ex Discarica Fantecolo, Provaglio d'Iseo (BS) - Italia (2019)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2018)
    • Teatro Cavallerizza, Reggio nell'Emilia - Italia (2018)
    • Complesso Palapartenope Casa della Musica Federico I, Napoli - Italia (2017)
    • Festival "Bici alla ribalta", Cortile Palazzo Jappelli, Piove di Sacco (PD) - Italia (2017)
    • Villa Terracini, Osteria Nuova di Sala Bolognese (BO) - Italia (2016)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2016)
    • Cinema Teatro del Centro Giovanile, Santorso (VI) - Italia (2015)
    • Theatre of the European Regions, Hradec Kralove - Repubblica Ceca (2015)
    • Teatro Rasi, Ravenna - Italia (2015)
    • Teatro Dadà, Castelfranco Emilia (MO) - Italia (2015)
    • Teatro Comunale Rossini - Lugo (RA) - Italia (2015)
    • Centro Culturale Santa Chiara, Trento - Italia (2015)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2014)