

1-3 Years Old
Theatral Group
Compagnia Teatrale Petra/Compagnia Teatrale L'Albero (Satriano di Lucania - PZ)/Orchestra Senzaspine
Vania Cauzillo, Antonella Iallorenzi, Alessandra Maltempo
Vania Cauzillo, Antonella Iallorenzi, Alessandra Maltempo
Graziana Palazzo, Laura Sacco, Margherita Valtorta, (musiche dal vivo) Claudio Cauzillo
Angelo Francesco Piccinni
Tommaso Ussardi
Gabriella Mastrangelo, Antonio Guerrieri, Veronica Scardillo
Other Informations
Liberamente ispirato a Suzy Lee, L’onda, Corraini Edizioni (© 2008 Suzy Lee). Performance realizzata nell'ambito del programma Boarding Pass Plus 2022-24 del Ministero della Cultura, dedicato alle reti di soggetti operanti nello spettacolo dal vivo.
More informations
Performance realizzata nell’ambito del progeto “Grow Inclusive Opera” di Senzaspine, L’Albero, Music World Academy e Teatro Duse sostenuto dal programma Boarding Pass Plus 2022-2024 del Ministero della Cultura.
Dates Shows

Scheda Completa

“Waves” is the second stage of a trilogy of artistic research and production on the theme of boundaries, created by the Petra Theatre Company, inspired by the Silent Books of Korean illustrator Suzy Lee. “Waves” is a project for children and young audiences; specifically, three performances will be presented to three different age group. After IN totheborder (based on the text “Shadow”), this second work is inspired by the book “The Wave”, in which the author tells a very simple yet complex story: that of a little girl and her encounter with the sea, which leads her to cross a boundary, to experience, and to learn.
The performance stems from a musical research project (both artistic and pedagogical) specifically designed for the 0-3 age group, creating a musical work that is accessible not only through sound but also through sight, movement, and touch. This project was developed as part of the Grow – Inclusive Opera initiative and funded within the Boarding Pass Plus 2022-24 programme of the Ministry of Culture. In “Waves”, the sea is the natural element that contains and awakens a series of contrasting emotions and moods: curiosity, fascination, the desire to play, but also the unknown, fear, and the need to escape.
But the sea, through the tool of exploration and self-knowledge that is play, also marks the boundary between the real and the imaginary. The boundary, therefore, is not an insurmountable line, but a necessary crossing for transformation, which changes and always leaves behind a treasure to keep.




Scheda spettacolo

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Date di rappresentazione

  • Saturday 15 March at 18:00
    At: Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO)
  • Sunday 16 March at 10:00
    At: Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO)

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