1-4 Years OldTheatral Group
La Piccionaia Centro di Produzione Teatrale (Vicenza)
Aurora Candelli
Alessandro Maione
Other Informations
si ringrazia Asilo Nido Il Trenino di Marostica VI
Dates Shows
While playing with the objects on stage, the protagonist will discover a world made of physical and emotional balances and unbalances. But thanks to the emotions, he will find a way to make the jigsaw fall into place.
At the end, all his experience will be contained in a big wardrobe, in a perfect balance-unbalance of
emotions. The show is not just about emotions: the show experiences the emotions.
Just like young boys and girls do, even though they are not yet able to describe them with words. They still feel them.
Special thanks to the crèche “Il Trenino” of Marostica.
Date di rappresentazione
Date di rappresentazione