The colours of water

1-4 Years Old
Theatral Group
La Baracca - Testoni Ragazzi
Roberto Frabetti
Andrea Buzzetti with the collaboration of Valeria Frabetti
Giada Ciccolini and Sara Lanzi
Giada Ciccolini and Andrea Buzzetti
Tanja Eick
Barbara Burgio and Luca Pomi
Andra Burcă, special thanks to Maria Martinez Peñalba
Dates Shows

With the rain has come the water, and the hidden garden has come to life. Fruits, leaves, trees and plants have polished their colours, and the rainbow has appeared in the sky. In the middle of the hidden garden, two young ladies search for water and colours. They want to re-live the same emotions of when they were children, when they could play with the yellow of wheat, the red of tomatoes, the purple of flowers.

The two protagonists take us on a journey to discover the terrestrial rainbow, made up of natural elements. By playing with colours, we can discover all the nuances of the world.

The colours of water is one of the shows that first took La Baracca around the world with their artistic research for early years. After hundreds of performances in Italy and abroad, the show is back in a brand new design under the direction of Andrea Buzzetti.

Duration: 35′


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    Past events

    • Sala Centofiori, via Gorki 16, Bologna (2023)
    • Festival Kaolin & Barbotine, Centre Culturel Municipal Jean Moulin, Limoges - Francia (2019)
    • Teatro Cavallerizza, Reggio nell'Emilia - Italia (2019)
    • SZENE Waldviertel Festival, Taffasaal-Kunsthaus, Horn - Austria (2019)
    • Parco Villa Dora, San Giorgio di Nogaro (UD) - Italia (2019)
    • Nido Infanzia Scoprire e giocare , Gorizia (GO) - Italia (2019)
    • Nido Infanzia L'Arca di Noé, Latisana (UD) - Italia (2019)
    • Nido Infanzia Arcobaleno, Maniago (PN) - Italia (2019)
    • Insolito Festival, Palazzetto Eucherio San Vitale, Parma - Italia (2019)
    • Festival Pagine a Colori, Sala ex capitolare degli Agostiniani di San Marco, Tarquinia (VT) - Italia (2019)
    • Casa del Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani, Torino - Italia (2019)
    • Shanghai Children's Art Theatre, Shanghai - Cina (2019)
    • Spazio Teatro 89, Milano - Italia (2018)
    • Festival 100, 1.000, 1.000.000 Stories, Sala Mică, Bucarest - Romania (2018)
    • FATEJ (African Theatre Festival for Children and Young People), Salle de ballets du Centre Culturel Camerounais, Yaoundé - Camerun (2018)
    • Espacio Teatral Aldaba - Museo de Arte Colonial, L'Avana - Cuba (2018)
    • Círculos infantile Habana Vieja, L'Avana - Cuba - 2018 (2018)
    • Atrio degli Arceri del Palazzo Ducale, Mantova - Italia (2018)
    • Auditorium Falcone e Borsellino, Vimercate (MB) - Italia (2018)
    • Teatro Cavallerizza, Reggio nell'Emilia - Italia (2014)