
1-4 Years Old
Theatral Group
La Baracca - Testoni Ragazzi
Andrea Buzzetti, Bruno Cappagli
Andrea Buzzetti e Bruno Cappagli
Carlotta Zini e Luciano Cendou
Dates Shows

Artistic notes

Going on, walking and discovering.

Going around and finding night and day.

Two curious travellers go around and discover suspended and luminous worlds.

Worlds that turn and bring you night and day, small worlds that become big. Worlds made of looks and games.

“Girotondo” is a show with circular motions, constantly changing, with music and magical, playful images. It is a journey for amazed and curious eyes through suspended worlds that can be observed as we all fall down with our nose up in the air.

Duration: 35′



Next events

    Past events

    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2024)
    • Sala Centofiori, via Gorki 16, Bologna (2022)
    • Asilo Nido Comunale K. Srekelj, Duino-Aurisina (TS) - Italia (2022)
    • Sala Mercato Genova (GE) - Italia (2022)
    • Sala Minerva, Minerbio (BO) - Italia (2021)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2020)
    • Auditorium Comunale, Medolla (MO) - Italia (2019)
    • SZENE Waldviertel Festival, Taffasaal-Kunsthaus, Horn - Austria (2019)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2019)
    • Longlake Family Festival, Palazzo dei Congressi, Lugano - Svizzera (2018)
    • Take Part in Art Festival, Varsavia - Polonia (2018)
    • Biblioteca Panizzi, Reggio Emilia - Italia (2018)
    • Nido Infanzia Dorligo, San Dorligo della Valle (TS) - Italia (2018)
    • L'Ottagono, Codroipo (UD) - Italia (2017)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2017)
    • Teatro Astra, Schio (VI) (2017)
    • Asilo Nido Comunale K. Srekelj, Duino-Aurisina (TS) - Italia (2017)
    • Teatro Cavallerizza, Reggio nell'Emilia - Italia (2017)
    • Kolibri Theatre, Andrássy út 74 H 1062, Budapest - Ungheria (2017)
    • Festival Internacional de Teatro para los Primeros Años, Teatro Experimental de Jalisco, Guadalajara - Messico (2017)
    • La Expositiva, Granada - Spagna (2017)
    • Festival Kaolin et Barbotine, Centre Culturel Municipal Jean Moulin, Limoges - Francia (2017)
    • Scuola dell'infanzia Immacolata, Brugnera (PN) - Italia (2017)
    • Scuola dell'infanzia Elena Morozzo della Rocca, Brugnera (PN) - Italia (2017)
    • Nido d'infanzia Arcobaleno, Sala Bolognese (BO) - Italia (2017)
    • Centralstation, Darmstadt - Germania (2017)
    • Festival Starke Stucke, Theaterhaus, Francoforte - Germania (2017)
    • FATEJ (African Theatre Festival for Children and Young People), Salle de ballets du Centre Culturel Camerounais, Yaoundé - Camerun (2016)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2016)
    • Teatro Comunale Odeon, Latisana (UD) - Italia (2016)
    • Nuovo Teatro Monsignor Lavaroni, Artegna (UD) - Italia (2016)
    • Festival El mes petit de tots, Auditorium Kultur, Leioa - Spagna (2016)
    • Festival El mes petit de tots, Kurtzio Kultur Extea, Sopela - Spagna (2016)
    • Festival El mes petit de tots, Berrizko Kultur Etxea, Berriz - Spagna (2016)