Memories in three acts


2-5 Years Old
Theatral Group
La Baracca - Testoni Ragazzi
Andrea Buzzetti, Giada Ciccolini, Bruno Frabetti and Sara Lanzi
Andrea Buzzetti
Giada Ciccolini and Sara Lanzi
Dates Shows

Complete Card

Our memory is made of windows, fragments of stories we have heard, images we have seen, emotions we have experienced, since we were little.
Memories inhabit them, open and close them.

Memories in black and white, pleasant and unpleasant, which transform the past into the present for a few moments and which the imagination gives the possibility of reliving.
Memories are transformed into questions, like those that children ask adults, with a lightness and innocence that takes away weight from even the most difficult ones, those that have no answer: “Won’t what has passed come back again?”. «Why does what no longer exists continue to live inside me, in my dreams, in my memories, and seems so alive?».

A show in three acts to connect different memories, which belong to different people, but proceed in the same direction, until they meet in the same place.

Frames is a show with few words, where the attention falls on the movement, emotions and expression of the two actresses who will tell this story.
The simple and essential scenography, with the support of signs and drawings, will be in continuous transformation, following the poetics of the story.

Cornici is a production born within the MAPPING project, A Map on the Aesthetics of Performing Arts for Early Years.

Duration: 35′


Next events

    Past events

    • Teatro del Baraccano, Via del Baraccano 2, Bologna (2023)
    • CAPE – Centre des Arts Pluriels Ettelbruck, Ettelbruck - Lussemburgo (2023)
    • Rotondes, Lussemburgo - Lussemburgo (2023)
    • Kulturhaus Niederanven, Niederanven - Lussemburgo (2023)
    • Kolibri Theatre, Andrássy út 74 H 1062, Budapest - Ungheria (2023)
    • Festival 100, 1.000, 1.000.000 Stories, The Comedy Theatre-Studio Hall, Bucarest (2023)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2022)
    • Festival Segni d'Infanzia, Loggia del Grano, Mantova - Italia (2021)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2021)