The story of Ivan and the grey wolf


6-10 Years Old
Theatral Group
La Baracca - Testoni Ragazzi
Bruno Cappagli e Guido Castiglia
collaborazione alla regia di Guido Castiglia
Bruno Cappagli
Andrea Aristidi
Tanja Eick
Valeria Valenza e Fabio Galanti, con un ringraziamento a Checkpoint Charly
Dates Shows

Artistic notes

«When I was a kid, my great-grandmother always told my grandfather the story of Prince Ivan and the grey wolf. The story had been passed on for generations until it was told to my grandfather, who told it to me every Sunday before going to sleep. A popular Russian story populated by knights, fire birds, golden horses, wolves and princesses. A story made of crossroads, where will and curiosity led the characters to make choices and mistakes, which would inevitably influence their development as well as the story’s. Thanks to my grandfather’s words, I visited mysterious and fantastic worlds, where I lived the stories of incredible characters. I think that’s when I became an actor, so I could tell stories myself». The protagonist brings on stage the story he was told when he was a child, and he tells it by constantly “coming in and out” of the story, interpreting its various characters. It is an occasion to make the audience approach a symbolically powerful fairy tale, that conveys the pleasure of storytelling, the power of oral tales, the magic of passed-on stories that are kept safe in time. The live storytelling does not only convey a story, but becomes a relationship and turns into a precious gift.


Duration: 55′



Next events

    Past events

    • Sala Centofiori, via Gorki 16, Bologna (2024)
    • Piccolo Teatro Pierobon, Ponte nelle Alpi, Belluno, Italia (2023)
    • Teatro San Leonardo, via San Vitale 63, Bologna (2023)
    • Teatro Comunale di Gradara, Gradara (PU), Italia (2023)
    • Sala Estense, Ferrara - Italia (2022)
    • Scuola Primaria di Serravalle Ala (TN) - Italia (2022)
    • Scuola Primaria "E. de Amicis" - San Giorgio della Richinvelda (PD) - Italia (2022)
    • Scuola Primaria di Valvasone (PN) - Italia (2022)
    • Sala Centofiori, via Gorki 16, Bologna (2022)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2022)
    • Teatro Villa dei Leoni, Mira (VE) - Italia (2022)
    • Chiostri di San Pietro, Reggio Emilia - Italia (2021)
    • Teatro Candoni Udine (UD) - Italia (2021)
    • Auditorium Enzo Ferrari, Maranello (MO) - Italia (2021)
    • Teatro Bruno Munari Milano (MI) - Italia (2021)
    • Teatro Gustavo Modena, Mori (TN) - Italia (2021)
    • Teatro Villa dei Leoni, Mira (VE) - Italia (2021)
    • Festival Colpi di Scena, Teatro Masini, Faenza - Italia (2020)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2020)
    • Teatro Testoni Ragazzi, Via Matteotti 16, Bologna (BO) (2019)