Gioco di immaginazione per piccolissimi spettatori
(Imagination games for very young spectators)

1-3 Years Old
Theatral Group
Schedía Teatro
Riccardo Colombini
Irina Lorandi e Riccardo Colombini
Other Informations
Spettacolo nato nell’ambito del progetto “ZeroTre chiama Italia” promosso dal festival “Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro...”
Dates Shows

Our parents’ wardrobe is a mysterious and forbidden place, but it’s impossible to resist! It’s a beautiful place to play… But what would happen if that forest of clothes turned into a real forest? What would happen if we could see… beyond? Between pockets and collars, we might be able to see leaves, flowers, animals… we might be able to see the seasons changing… we could play and imagine transformations!

The show was created in the framework of the project “ZeroTre Chiama Italia”, promoted by the festival “Visioni Di Futuro, Visioni Di Teatro…”


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